Cultivating Inner Peace Through Shared Stories


October 19, 2024

2:00 pm



October 19, 2024 3:30 am


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This 90-minute session, facilitated by CMCCF’s Wisdom of Hope (WOH) Circle, invites you on a journey of inner peace through the power of storytelling. Our session will feature storytellers from diverse locations across our global network. These storytellers will share their unique experiences and reflections, providing a rich tapestry of perspectives on how inner peace can be nurtured in the face of adversity, uncertainty and chaos.

The session will be structured around multiple conversation rounds, encouraging small group dialogues and somatic exercises designed to foster deeper connections with each other in meaningful ways. Through introspective and reflective questions, participants will explore their core values and how this shape their sense of inner peace.

Our purpose is to create a safe and brave space where every participant can engage in courageous and brave conversations. You will have the opportunity to connect with fellow travelers on this shared path, each bringing their unique stories and wisdom.

We hope you will join us for this enriching experience, guided by the stories and wisdom of the WOH Circle members from around the world.

Please register here for this free event

Organised by Coalition of Manitoba Cultural Communities for Families, Wisdom of Hope Circle



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