Event Category: Valuesthon 2024

How do we get the leaders we want?

Start: October 16, 2024 4:30 pm

End: October 16, 2024 5:30 pm


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Worldwide, democracy and political leadership are at a crossroads. Faced with crises like climate change, inequality, and war, some nations are turning towards autocratic, populist politicians who reach for easy and divisive answers to complex challenges. We need something very different. Leaders who govern for the whole of humanity, not just their nation or party, who have courage and wisdom to tackle systemic problems, and resilience to do so despite the opposition of vested interests. So, how do we cultivate that leadership? Sustain it in systems that are corrupting? And make it attractive to voters. Organised by Global Compassion Coalition.

Bringing Values to Life in the Early Years

Start: October 17, 2024 10:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 11:00 am


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Meet Paxton the Peaceful Panda, who guides us with ways of Being (Self-Regulation Skills), Tao the Truthful Turtle, who shows us ways of Doing things (Self-Awareness Skills) and Cali the Caring Puppy, who models how to be Caring (Relationship-Building Skills). In celebration of World Values Day, this session will give teachers and others with an interest in early years education an insight into how daily rehearsing of living our values in the early years classroom can impact the wellbeing of all staff and children involved. Organised by The Human Values Foundation’s The Big 3 + Me team
Sarah Pengelly

Crossroads Café for Intergenerational Dialogue

Start: October 24, 2024 9:30 am

End: October 24, 2024 11:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


An enlightening and uplifting intergenerational and international conversation around the topic of democracy between “elders” (aged 60+) and “youngers” (15 to 20 years old), to help each group understand what is important to the other and how the future might look for all. Schools who are interested in taking part please contact hankkune@educore.nl. Elders who would like to take part please use the Eventbrite registration link. Organised by Educore
Hank Kune
Charles Fowler
Minal Kering

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Audrey Zannese

Start: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 1:45 pm


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Audrey Zannese

Activate Your Values Experience

Start: October 17, 2024 9:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 10:00 pm


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Turn your values into victories by finding clarity on what guides you. Join us for an energetic and participatory experience where you will be encouraged to reflect on your personal values, align your vision with your goals, and find new ways to grow forward in your career and personal life. During this 1 hour virtual experience, you will make exciting discoveries, find new inspirations, and complete a customised ValYou Crest as a reminder to Be You More. Organised by Shift Up
Susan LePlae Miller
Eben Greene
Ipek Williamson

Cultivating Inner Peace Through Shared Stories

Start: October 19, 2024 2:00 pm

End: October 19, 2024 3:30 am


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A journey of inner peace through the power of storytelling, inspired by storytellers from diverse locations across our global network. They will share their unique experiences and reflections, providing a rich tapestry of perspectives on how inner peace can be nurtured in the face of adversity, uncertainty and chaos. The session will be structured around multiple conversation rounds, encouraging small group dialogues and somatic exercises designed to foster deeper connections with each other in meaningful ways. Through introspective and reflective questions, participants will explore their core values and how this shape their sense of inner peace. Organised by CMCCF and Wisdom of Hope.
Co-facilitated by the members of the Wisdom of Hope Circle

Values ValuesJam – an exploration of the topic of values with special guests

Start: October 17, 2024 5:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 6:30 pm


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Share and hear different perspectives and explore the meaning and benefit of 'Values' in a safe space which encourages courageous conversations, development of whole group thinking and commitment to personal action for positive impact. Develop your thinking about Values and translate it into tangible action/s to apply in practice. The session uses the playful ValuesJam inspired by the concept of a music jam where musicians come together with a sense of trust, curiosity and playfulness. Organised by ValuesJam.
Alan Williams

How Financial Services Firms Can Harness More Value in Values – And Why They Must!

Start: October 17, 2024 6:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 7:30 am


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The financial services sector plays a critical role in society's well-being, economic stability, and political security. Yet, despite substantial investments in regulation, the industry remains plagued by ethical breaches, which reflect individual decisions by people within the sector who choose unethical paths. Why do so many in this industry seem willing to act without ethics, integrity, transparency, or trustworthiness? This question is at the heart of the reforms that are desperately needed. So how can we collectively drive the necessary cultural change within organisations? Organised by Transparency Task Force.
Andy Agathangelou FRSA

Values-Driven Boundaries: How to Confidently Say Yes to What Lights You Up and No to What Burns You Out

Start: October 17, 2024 5:30 pm

End: October 17, 2024 6:45 pm


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Give yourself full permission to be human as you rewire yourself to understand that setting boundaries is an act of self-care, not selfishness. Join this workshop to:

1.Understand the Role of Core Values: Gain clarity on your core values and how they drive decisions, behaviors, and fulfilment;
2. Recognize Boundary Challenges: Identify common challenges/roadblocks to setting effective boundaries;
3.Develop Practical Skills: Learn practical techniques to maintain boundaries that support personal and professional well-being.

Organised by SparkVision.

MaryBeth Hyland

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Raquel Rubio Higueras

Start: October 17, 2024 5:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 5:45 pm


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Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Raquel Rubio Higueras