Katrina Ramage on finding her values

Anna McAfee, co-founder of #LinkedInLocal and author of ‘How a Hashtag Changed the World’, talks to social entrepreneur and World Values Day Global Ambassador Katrina Ramage about finding her values

Katrina Ramage shares stories about her varied, eventful and values-driven life and her career as a social entrepreneur. In this clip she discusses how she first realised what her values were, and how they were rooted in her upbringing in Glasgow as a child with mixed heritage.

Click on the image or on this link to view this video clip. More clips from Anna’s interview with Katrina will be posted soon.

More about Katrina and Anna:


Katrina is Founder and Global managing Director of The Eye of the Storm (TEotS), which offers a new way of navigating in the quest to find prosperity and create confident communities.

Born in Scotland, of Irish, Indian and Malaysian decent, there are few religions, cultures and political systems that she has not intimately experienced.   The energy she has motivates those who want to make a mark on the world; those who know how to roll their sleeves up and do the hard yards.

Now, firmly rooted in New Zealand, Katrina embraces the cultures she is surrounded by and wants to show how Kiwi kindness, combined with the energy of TEotS, can help the world define a new post-COVID way of life.


Anna is co-founder of #LinkedIn Local, author of ‘How a Hashtag Changed the World’,  and is based in Australia.

#LinkedIn Local inspired people around the world to take their online chats offline; to leave their sales pitches at home and just say G’day in the real world.  From New Zealand, to India and peppered across the States, accomplished professionals stepped out from behind their laptops and took an interest in their neighbours.

With a house full of Star Wars fanatics, young and old, Anna isn’t short of inspiration when it comes to worldly adventures. While the #LinkedInLocal chapter of her life might be closing (you can read all about it in her book ‘How a hashtag changed the world’) that’s not stopping her from dreaming about life beyond existing online empires.



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