Reconnect With Nature

Pre-COVID, we (humans) often acted as if we were disconnected from Nature. We took its abundance for granted. But nature is LIFE, and life is fragile. The global pandemic and climate change has made it very clear: WE ARE (an intrinsic part of) NATURE.

As such, World Values Day’s Reconnect with Nature initiative aims to encourage individuals, communities, and organizations to reflect on how we value Nature and demonstrate our values through action.

If Nature is important to you, how can and would you like to reconnect with it – both as an individual and as a community?

We are part of nature

We need nature to thrive, to grow and to live. Nature comprises of the land, vegetation, animals and minerals. As an animal ourselves, we are just one part of the very elements that make up nature.

And by spending time in nature, we can rediscover the connection we have with it. All the suggested activities (and there are many more) below allow you to take in the moment. Being present and thinking about the various values that this simple act evokes.

How does it work?

During the month of October, and especially on World Values Day, Thursday 21 October 2021, do something that is important to you relating to nature that reflects your values. It is that simple. And of course, you can help promote World Values Day and your specific value through social media.

Create feel-good moments and encourage others to think about their personal values and how they live their lives.

For the Reconnect With Nature initiative, several activities are suggested including:

Bring Nature Back Into Your Community

Colour, Write and Think About Nature – A Creative Exercise For ChildrenInstructions | Template

Grow Food In Your Garden

Take A Mindful Walk In Nature

Take a Walk or Hike In Nature

Take a Photo in Nature | Virtual Photo Exhibition

Although these activities align with suggested values, they are not inclusive. All these activities are based upon you taking action to reinforce the values that are important to you.

In completing these activities during October, think about how reconnecting with nature can continue past World Values Day. Create habits that last.

How can I help promote values with my family, friends and in my community through this initiative?

Activities such as bringing Nature Back Into Your Community are designed to reconnect you with the people around you in your neighbourhood. It does require some planning, coordination and effort, but the rewards of reconnection can be quite powerful. The benefits are long lasting.

Growing Food In Your Garden may be something you do already or have considered doing. Reconnecting with nature is all above doing primal tasks that also reap a reward. Good values such as self-sufficiency, accomplishment.

Taking a photo in nature allows you record that snapshot in time and reflect on it afterwards. It may have been a selfie, or a photo of a plant or a larger nature scene. Whatever it is, there are a variety of values that can be associated with the image. Check out the virtual values in nature exhibition and read stories from around the world.

One of the best ways to reconnect with nature is simple to take a walk in a park or go for a hike on a trail. Go on line and search for hiking events or mindful walking to join with like-minded individuals.

And finally, in 2021 especially for the children, we recommend using your different senses to draw, write a story and think about nature.

Many of the activities are designed so that you can complete them on your own and you don’t have to broadcast them to the world. That’s great. Values are personal and not everyone needs to know what you do. However we do encourage you to invite your friends and family to join you for the activities. After all, we want to celebrate World Values Day, what it stands for and encourage others to think about what values are important to them and why.

If you do get benefit from the suggested activities, Paul Ryken, the leader the Reconnecting With Nature initiative, would love to hear from you. Drop him an email at



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