DR ANDRA BROSH PH.D., BCHN is a clinical psychologist, board-certified holistic nutritionist, and pioneer in the regenerative wellbeing movement. Her ecosystem approach to wellness integrates the mental, physical, and spiritual realms with the ecological wellbeing of the earth. She loves to share her wisdom and knowledge around the connection between our inner and outer landscapes and the relationships between values, choices, and environments in which we live. She lives in Los Angeles, seeing clients and hosting workshops at her holistic hermitage, Psyche & Salt
Andra will be co-hosting The Ecosystem of Eating: Aligning your values with your diet and lifestyle choices on Thursday 21st October from 21.00 to 22.15 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 13.00 to 14.00 PDT in Los Angeles. Click here for more information. Click here to join the event.