MOHAMMED HASSAN is Ambassador for StepUp.One and was a Co-Chair, World Economic Forum, Davos in 2019. Born in Somalia, he was confined at Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp for over 20 years with no passport, no opportunities, no hope. He broadcast from Kakuma to the World Economic Forum Annual Summit calling for reframing of global conceptions of displaced peoples: ‘It’s high time that refugees are seen as partners in development efforts, rather than a burden…We have people with talents who, given a chance, can perform.” This inspired the founding of StepUp.One, dedicated to re-skilling those living in refugee camps and connecting them to opportunities that pay.
Mohammed will be speaking at Open Space: The Big Issues Around Refugees Today from 1pm to 2pm BST (UTC/GMT+1) on 20th October. For further information on this event click here. To register click here. This event will be repeated later on the same day from 9pm to 10pm BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for further information click here and to register click here.