Professor DR CSR Prabhu

PROFESSOR DR CSR PRABHU is an eminent scientist who held prestigious positions in Government and professional bodies. He was Director General of National Informatics Center (NIC), Government of India at New Delhi, and headed Computer Society of India’s Hyderabad Chapter and presently the Chairman of ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter. He authored 16 books of which 12 are in cutting edge subjects such as Fog Computing and Big Data Analytics. He founded and heads Vishwa Yoga Vidhapeeth and has taught Yoga globally. He has conducted research both in Computer Science and Sanskrit texts and authored research level books in all the above areas. He developed Dharma Yoga as a Common Framework for all Religions and Science.

Dr Prabhu will be speaking at Dharma Yoga: A Framework of Values on 19th October from 07.00am to 08.00 am BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 11.30am to 12.30am Indian Standard Time. For more information click here; to register click here.