Tool Category: Individuals

World Values Day

“We Value…” and “I Value…” templates for World Values Day

Take a selfie using the “We Value…” or “I Value…” template and post it on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or Instagram pages using #WorldValuesDay or @ValuesDay to tell everyone what you have done or are going to do to put your value into action for your wellbeing.

Community Dialogue: Bring Your Community Together in a Values-Based Dialogue

Too often the way we communicate pushes us apart rather than bringing us together. Why not bring your community together this World Values Day through a values-based dialogue.
The Finance Innovation Lab

Values for Money: Guest Blog

Anna is Lead Strategist at the Finance Innovation Lab. She guest blogs for Word Values Day on ‘Values for Money’ – when is the value of £100 not £100?
The Zone

Living my values everyday

My values are my lifestyle, priorities, and preferences. They express how I choose to live my life. 
My 31 Practices


Do you want a life with a clear purpose? Do you want to be happy and less stressed? Do you want to be the best you can be?

Relationship Quotient : Values for Better Relationships

An important six-part series of articles by Andrew Fuller, Neil Hawkes, and John Hendry, renowned experts in values. The articles inform us about the values needed to create good, effective relationships throughout the realms of our personal, social, communal and business life.

Pension Power Toolkit

You can make progress with putting your values into action in the world by using the power of your pension to create change in the investment system in line with your values.
Dont Be Like Dick, Still

Don’t Be Like Dick – Video

Richard Lord is a 'man of values' who doesn't walk his talk. Watch the video and remember - don't be like Dick.