
World Values Day Valuesthon 2024

Our all-day online values festival spanning New Zealand, Australia, Asia, India, Africa, Europe and America.

The schedule and speakers listed below relate to our 2024 Valuesthon; the schedule and speakers for 2025 will be posted here in August.

How do we get the leaders we want?

Start: October 16, 2024 4:30 pm

End: October 16, 2024 5:30 pm


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Worldwide, democracy and political leadership are at a crossroads. Faced with crises like climate change, inequality, and war, some nations are turning towards autocratic, populist politicians who reach for easy and divisive answers to complex challenges. We need something very different. Leaders who govern for the whole of humanity, not just their nation or party, who have courage and wisdom to tackle systemic problems, and resilience to do so despite the opposition of vested interests. So, how do we cultivate that leadership? Sustain it in systems that are corrupting? And make it attractive to voters. Organised by Global Compassion Coalition.

The Democratisation of Public Life, a Blessing or a Curse?

Start: October 16, 2024 6:00 pm

End: October 16, 2024 7:30 pm


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Discussion about the big issues facing our society is no longer limited to a select few - the rise of social media has opened the field to everyone. This means injustices and outdated assumptions can be challenged, and marginalised voices heard, but those with questionable motives and harmful agendas can also be heard – and often shout louder. Is this shift empowering a new age of social activism and accountability, or are we seeing the corrosion of informed debate and the rise of mob-like behavior? Join this interactive discussion organised by the UK Values Alliance.

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (first session)

Start: October 17, 2024 8:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 8:30 am


Event Type

Zoom Meeting

Event Categories


What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us to bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions.
Rhonda L. Bowen

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Liz Murphy

Start: October 17, 2024 8:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 8:45 am


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.

Crossroads Café for Intergenerational Dialogue

Start: October 17, 2024 9:30 am

End: October 17, 2024 11:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


An enlightening and uplifting intergenerational and international conversation around the topic of democracy between “elders” (aged 60+) and “youngers” (15 to 20 years old), to help each group understand what is important to the other and how the future might look for all. Schools who are interested in taking part please contact Elders who would like to take part please use the Eventbrite registration link. Organised by Educore
Hank Kune
Charles Fowler
Minal Kering

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Annette Ebbinghaus

Start: October 17, 2024 10:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 10:45 am


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Annette Ebbinghaus

Bringing Values to Life in the Early Years

Start: October 17, 2024 10:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 11:00 am


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Meet Paxton the Peaceful Panda, who guides us with ways of Being (Self-Regulation Skills), Tao the Truthful Turtle, who shows us ways of Doing things (Self-Awareness Skills) and Cali the Caring Puppy, who models how to be Caring (Relationship-Building Skills). In celebration of World Values Day, this session will give teachers and others with an interest in early years education an insight into how daily rehearsing of living our values in the early years classroom can impact the wellbeing of all staff and children involved. Organised by The Human Values Foundation’s The Big 3 + Me team
Sarah Pengelly

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (second session)

Start: October 17, 2024 10:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 10:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions.
Rhonda L. Bowen

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Corinne Guion

Start: October 17, 2024 11:00 am

End: October 17, 2024 11:45 am


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Corinne Guion

India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values To Life

Start: October 17, 2024 11:30 am

End: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm


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Join this celebration of WVD with prominent speakers from India and around the world giving us powerful insights into the different practical ways that we can bring our values to life in all aspects of our daily lives – in the personal and family sphere, in our spiritual lives, in our lives at work or in education, and as good citizens and engaged members of society. Organised by Universal Spirituality and Humanity Foundation, Public Police NGO and West Bengal Federation of United Nations Associations
Dr Neil Hawkes
Jyoti Kalash
Rupkatha Sarkar
Dr Ann Marie Mealey
Ram Karan Verma
Charles Fowler
Dr Rahul Varma

Bringing Values To Life For Young People

Start: October 17, 2024 12:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm


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Imagine if educational establishments equipped young people with a values foundation which could stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives, empowering them to make their own choices and decisions? This session provides an overview of a values program for schools and universities. It takes us through a step-by-step guide which helps to identify what is important to you, translates this into a set of behaviours, and supports you to apply the approach every day, drawing on mindfulness, psychology, neuroscience, affirmation, action learning, and habit creation. Organised by Servicebrand Global.
Alan Williams

Global Citizens: Soundings from the Global Village

Start: October 17, 2024 12:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm


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We are all global citizens now. Is that a good thing? What does it actually mean? Can we remain loyal to our local communities while embracing a global identity? Is there a risk of losing our unique cultural identities in the process? We may know what ‘experts’ think about these questions, but what do ordinary people think? In the week before WVD hundreds of ordinary people around the world will give their considered answers and at this event we will look at and discuss their insights. Organised by World Speech Day and World Values Day
Charles Fowler
Simon Gibson

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (third session)

Start: October 17, 2024 12:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 12:30 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions
Rhonda L. Bowen

Generosity – A Key Value in Healthcare. How do we bring it to life?

Start: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 2:30 pm


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Healthcare systems worldwide are teetering, inducing constant anxiety for those expected to deliver services as well as those who rely on healthcare systems to navigate physical and mental threats to wellbeing. This interactive webinar will explore the value of generosity as an optimistic response to healthcare permacrisis. What are the limits of generosity as an ethical action? How might acts of generosity affirm or deny modes of interpersonal relationships in professional contexts? Can generosity sustain relationships of care in these precarious times? Organised by Human Values in Healthcare Forum
Dr Giskin Day
Dr Jens Foell
Dr Paquita de Zulueta

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Audrey Zannese

Start: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 1:45 pm


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Audrey Zannese

Bringing Kindness To Life: an online session from the World Kindness Movement General Assembly in Palermo Italy

Start: October 17, 2024 2:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 3:00 pm


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Alan Williams and World Kindness Movement colleagues look forward to the World Kindness Movement General Assembly and share a preview of the new field of kindnetics: the study of acts of kindness and the social energy they create. Organised by World Kindness Movement
Alan Williams

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Florence Parot (SESSION IN FRENCH)

Start: October 17, 2024 2:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 2:45 pm


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Florence Parot

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (fourth session)

Start: October 17, 2024 2:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 2:30 pm


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What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions
Rhonda L. Bowen

Values Clarity Quiz & Global Conversation 1st session

Start: October 17, 2024 3:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 4:00 pm


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Event Categories


What better way to start bringing your values to life than to find clarity around your values. First take the short Values Clarity Quiz to start to understand how your values align with your peers, your culture and your inner energy – click to take the Quiz. Then join this global conversation (one of three today) with PJ Jackson to discuss values clarity in cross- generational and cross-cultural groups. This conversation will broaden your perspectives, increase empathy and understanding and help build stronger relationships, leading to better outcomes in both professional and personal contexts. Organised by PJ Jackson

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (fifth session)

Start: October 17, 2024 4:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 4:30 pm


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What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions
Rhonda L. Bowen

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Raquel Rubio Higueras

Start: October 17, 2024 5:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 5:45 pm


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Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Raquel Rubio Higueras

Values-Driven Boundaries: How to Confidently Say Yes to What Lights You Up and No to What Burns You Out

Start: October 17, 2024 5:30 pm

End: October 17, 2024 6:45 pm


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Give yourself full permission to be human as you rewire yourself to understand that setting boundaries is an act of self-care, not selfishness. Join this workshop to:

1.Understand the Role of Core Values: Gain clarity on your core values and how they drive decisions, behaviors, and fulfilment;
2. Recognize Boundary Challenges: Identify common challenges/roadblocks to setting effective boundaries;
3.Develop Practical Skills: Learn practical techniques to maintain boundaries that support personal and professional well-being.

Organised by SparkVision.

MaryBeth Hyland

Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact (sixth session)

Start: October 17, 2024 6:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 6:30 pm


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What’s your experience with AI (artificial intelligence)? Often people say we are doomed because AI will take away our jobs. Others are trying to use AI to make things faster, cheaper and easier. These are two ends of a scale: one with pessimism and fear, the other with ambition and drive. So, what about the middle? Can we make sense of AI and how it relates to the core of who we are as human beings: our values? What does AI mean for us in all aspects of our lives? How can it help us bring our values to life and do good in our world? Organised by Bells Solutions
Rhonda L. Bowen

How Financial Services Firms Can Harness More Value in Values – And Why They Must!

Start: October 17, 2024 6:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 7:30 am


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The financial services sector plays a critical role in society's well-being, economic stability, and political security. Yet, despite substantial investments in regulation, the industry remains plagued by ethical breaches, which reflect individual decisions by people within the sector who choose unethical paths. Why do so many in this industry seem willing to act without ethics, integrity, transparency, or trustworthiness? This question is at the heart of the reforms that are desperately needed. So how can we collectively drive the necessary cultural change within organisations? Organised by Transparency Task Force.
Andy Agathangelou FRSA

Values Clarity Quiz & Global Conversation 2nd session

Start: October 17, 2024 7:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 8:00 pm


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What better way to start bringing your values to life than to find clarity around your values. First take the short Values Clarity Quiz to start to understand how your values align with your peers, your culture and your inner energy – click to take the Quiz. Then join the conversation (one of three today) with PJ Jackson to discuss values clarity in cross- generational and cross-cultural groups. This conversation will broaden your perspectives, increase empathy and understanding and help build stronger relationships, leading to better outcomes in both professional and personal contexts. Organised by PJ Jackson

Creating Happiness at Work

Start: October 17, 2024 7:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 8:00 pm


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When we are happy we feel energised and motivated to give and be our best. How can we create a workplace culture where work becomes a pleasure rather than a drudge and we put an end to the 'Monday morning blues'?   This event is organised by the Brahma Kumaris and the UK Values Alliance.
Rekha Kohli 
Danny Maher

The value of “Belonging”

Start: October 17, 2024 7:30 pm

End: October 17, 2024 9:00 pm


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Pause is a circle of belonging where you are welcomed in to meet with like-minded people to pause, engage, listen, be heard, witnessed, and respected. We offer a safe space for sharing, embodying, inquiry, and support, reflecting on the question – “What does it mean to belong?” Our Pause circle is experiential and offers potent practices for learning and unlearning, an invitation to slow down, bring clarity, focus and commitment to taking the next step forward. Organised by Pause Circle.
Sue Bottomley
Mojdeh Khalili
Scott Adams

Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life with Anne Pestiaux

Start: October 17, 2024 8:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 8:45 pm


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to explore our values in an embodied way, making it easier to keep those values alive in our daily activities. Join this short sophrology practice using dynamic relaxation, breathing exercises and guided meditation for a more conscious, embodied connection with a personal value, and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. Perhaps you’ve heard of sophrology, but not had the opportunity to experience it? Here’s your chance! One of several such events organised by the International Sophrology Federation.
Anne Pestiaux

A Heart Focused Meditation on Bringing Values to Life

Start: October 17, 2024 8:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 8:25 pm


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When we connect deeply with our hearts, our real, authentic values flow with ease into our awareness. And when values are in our awareness, we can reflect upon how best to bring them into action in our daily lives. This heart-focused meditation and reflection will help you to connect with the values at the heart of who you really are and to create and commit to a plan for action. Organised by HeartMath and WeAddHeart
Gavin Andrews

Activate Your Values Experience

Start: October 17, 2024 9:00 pm

End: October 17, 2024 10:00 pm


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Turn your values into victories by finding clarity on what guides you. Join us for an energetic and participatory experience where you will be encouraged to reflect on your personal values, align your vision with your goals, and find new ways to grow forward in your career and personal life. During this 1 hour virtual experience, you will make exciting discoveries, find new inspirations, and complete a customised ValYou Crest as a reminder to Be You More. Organised by Shift Up
Susan LePlae Miller
Eben Greene
Ipek Williamson

Values Clarity Quiz & Global Conversation 3rd session

Start: October 18, 2024 12:00 am

End: October 18, 2024 1:00 am


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What better way to start bringing your values to life than to find clarity around your values. First take the short Values Clarity Quiz to start to understand how your values align with your peers, your culture and your inner energy – click to take the Quiz. Then join this global conversation (one of three today) with PJ Jackson to discuss values clarity in cross- generational and cross-cultural groups. This conversation will broaden your perspectives, increase empathy and understanding and help build stronger relationships, leading to better outcomes in both professional and personal contexts. Organised by PJ Jackson

The True Value of Peace

Start: October 19, 2024 10:00 am

End: October 19, 2024 11:30 am


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The event highlights the importance of values in general and peace in particular in personal, community, and global context, fostering a dialogue on how peace as a value can be practically implemented in daily life and how we can become active peacebuilders in our communities. Speakers will share their experiences in active peacebuilding. If you are interested in learning more, understanding and sharing the value of peace and connecting with the global community and passionate changemakers like yourself, this is for you! Organised by International Peace Youth Group and World Values Day.
Amal Abubakar
Tanyaradzwa Spiwe Ndudzo
Ceciliah Swanepoel

Cultivating Inner Peace Through Shared Stories

Start: October 19, 2024 2:00 pm

End: October 19, 2024 3:30 am


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A journey of inner peace through the power of storytelling, inspired by storytellers from diverse locations across our global network. They will share their unique experiences and reflections, providing a rich tapestry of perspectives on how inner peace can be nurtured in the face of adversity, uncertainty and chaos. The session will be structured around multiple conversation rounds, encouraging small group dialogues and somatic exercises designed to foster deeper connections with each other in meaningful ways. Through introspective and reflective questions, participants will explore their core values and how this shape their sense of inner peace. Organised by CMCCF and Wisdom of Hope.
Co-facilitated by the members of the Wisdom of Hope Circle

Crossroads Café for Intergenerational Dialogue

Start: October 24, 2024 9:30 am

End: October 24, 2024 11:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


An enlightening and uplifting intergenerational and international conversation around the topic of democracy between “elders” (aged 60+) and “youngers” (15 to 20 years old), to help each group understand what is important to the other and how the future might look for all. Schools who are interested in taking part please contact Elders who would like to take part please use the Eventbrite registration link. Organised by Educore
Hank Kune
Charles Fowler
Minal Kering
Valuesthon 2024 Speakers and Moderators
Amal Abubakar is a final year International Relations Student at SOAS, also working as a geopolitical intelligence analyst at the MENA Desk for Global Weekly. Amal also has experience working within continental migration, sexual and reproductive health, finance and public policy.

AMAL ABUBAKAR is a final year International Relations student at SOAS, also working as a geopolitical intelligence analyst at the MENA Desk for Global Weekly. Amal also has experience working within continental migration, sexual and reproductive health, finance and public policy.

Amal will be speaking at The True Value of Peace on 19th October from 10.00 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1).  For more information on the event click here, to register click here

Scott Adams has coached leaders of all levels for over 15 years, drawing on his broad expertise and deep inquiry to help clients become more present, inspire others, and ultimately thrive in who they are.

Scott does this work in full recognition that there is a growing collective context of climate change around us, and he is committed to volunteering and supporting leaders who are working to create a viable future for generations to come.

SCOTT ADAMS has coached leaders of all levels for over 15 years, drawing on his broad expertise and deep inquiry to help clients become more present, inspire others, and ultimately thrive in who they are. Scott does this work in full recognition that there is a growing collective context of climate change around us, and he is committed to volunteering and supporting leaders who are working to create a viable future for generations to come.

Scott will be speaking at The Value of Belonging on 17th October from 19.30 to 21.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here

Gavin Andrews

GAVIN ANDREWS is Managing Director for HeartMath in the UK and Ireland. He discovered HeartMath, coherence and heart-based living 14 years ago. Since then, he has found joy, meaning and purpose in sharing the science and practice of coherence with others.In addition to sharing coherence through HeartMath, Gavin also founded WeAddHeart, a growing international movement empowering people to connect with their own hearts and the hearts of others; to live more fully from the heart and to add more heart and coherence to the world.

Gavin will be speaking at A Heart-Focused Meditation on Bringing Values to Life on 17th October from 20.00 to 20.25 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Sue Bottomley 

Sue is an Executive coach, Facilitator for Living Values in Education, Thinking Partner, known for offering cutting-edge practices, deep conversations to unravel dissonance in “stories” soma, spirit. With Sue you are invited to heal and become your own best friend through building self -trust, inner peace, acceptance of what is. Designer and co-facilitator of Pause Circles and the Pause range of programs.

SUE BOTTOMLEY has coached and held presence for leaders all around the world for over 30 years. An executive leadership, career and wellbeing coach trained in somatics, ontological coaching and many other holistic and business disciplines, she created Pause to help people slow down, focus, be realistic and prevent burnout. Space is created to support values of being seen, being valued, being heard, being witnessed and being respected.  With a focus on deep-looking (within) and deep listening, Pause has developed to become the “go to” supportive community of practice and belonging.

Sue will be speaking at The Value of Belonging on 17th October from 19.30 to 21.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here


WVD 2022 Valuesthon speaker headshot photo Rhonda Bowen Wiesmann_Juli_2012_RBO_6415-web

RHONDA L. BOWEN is a global strategic communication guide with 40+ years’ experience working with people from 70+ countries who are BEST professionals (business, engineering, science and technology). She supports others through interactive sessions called success swarms, based on swarm intelligence. The process: wispiration in action, wisdom plus inspiration shared to find practical applications.

Rhonda will be speaking at Your Values and AI: Alignment and Impact on 17th October; six separate interactive one-hour sessions will be held during the day at 08.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 and 18.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here; to register for the 08.00 session click here; for the 10.00 session click here; for the 12.00 session click here; for the 14.00 session click here; for the 16.00 session click here; and for the 18.00 session click here

Michael West CBE: Michael is Senior Visiting Fellow at The King’s Fund, London and Professor of Organizational Psychology at Lancaster University, Visiting Professor at University College, Dublin, and Emeritus Professor at Aston University, where he was formerly Executive Dean of Aston Business School. Michael is also the author of Compassionate Leadership: Sustaining Wisdom, Humanity and Presence in Health and Social Care.

MICHAEL WEST CBE: Michael is Senior Visiting Fellow at The King’s Fund, London and Professor of Organizational Psychology at Lancaster University, Visiting Professor at University College, Dublin, and Emeritus Professor at Aston University, where he was formerly Executive Dean of Aston Business School. Michael is also the author of Compassionate Leadership: Sustaining Wisdom, Humanity and Presence in Health and Social Care.

Michael will be speaking at How do we get the leaders we want? on 16th October from 16.30 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1 ) – for more information click here, to register click here

Dr Giskin Day is a principal teaching fellow in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London where she is course lead for an intercalated BSc in Humanities, Philosophy and Law. She recently completed a PhD thesis on the value of gratitude in healthcare. Giskin has a long-standing interest in social emotions and how they are expressed and received for public good.

DR GISKIN DAY is a principal teaching fellow in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London where she is course lead for an intercalated BSc in Humanities, Philosophy and Law. She recently completed a PhD thesis on the value of gratitude in healthcare. Giskin has a long-standing interest in social emotions and how they are expressed and received for public good.

Giskin will be speaking at Generosity – A Key Value in Healthcare. How do we bring it to life?  on 17th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here; to register click here.

Annette Ebbinghaus is a Master Sophrologist, Certified HeartMath coach, NLP & Hypnosis Practitioner and MindfulnessInSchools trainer based in Geneva. Founder of beChill programmes for teens and kids transforming anxious energy into calm confidence. Annette is also passionate about and works in the area of burnout

ANNETTE EBBINGHAUS is a Master Sophrologist, HeartMath® coach, Positive Intelligence®, Hypnosis and NLP practitioner. Annette works with the link between mind and body helping her clients shape their future through being connected with both. She specializes in resilience, burnout prevention & stress management for parents & students. Find out more about Annette at

Annette will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 10.00 to 10.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.


Ashley Fabrizio is the Senior Researcher for the US team at More in Common where she leads a team of researchers working to generate insights that can help reduce political polarization and strengthen democracy in America. Before joining More in Common in 2023, Ashley worked in the tech, academia, and government sectors. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford University and B.A. from Harvard College.

ASHLEY FABRIZIO is the Senior Researcher for the US team at More in Common where she leads a team of researchers working to generate insights that can help reduce political polarization and strengthen democracy in America. Before joining More in Common in 2023, Ashley worked in the tech, academia, and government sectors. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford University and B.A. from Harvard College.

Ashley will be speaking at How do we get the leaders we want? on 16th October from 16.30 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1 ) – for more information click here, to register click here

Dr Jens Foell

DR JENS FOELL trained in Germany in Rehabilitation Medicine with special focus on musculoskeletal disability. He moved to the UK and retrained as GP. He worked in de-industrialised areas of NW and NE England, in an inner-city practice and as academic GP in London. His research interests are management of pain, mental health problems and social issues in community settings with focus on pain communication. Work in General Practice continues alongside educational work as Programme Director for GP Training, Mental Health Act assessments and GP appraisals. His book “Fighting for the Soul of General Practice – the Algorithm will see you now” (co-authored with Rupal Shah) was published in January 2024.

Jens will be speaking at Generosity – A Key Value in Healthcare. How do we bring it to life?. How do we bring it to life? on 17th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here; to register click here.

Charles Fowler

Charles is Global Coordinator World Values Day, chairs the Human Values Foundation, which uses positive values to promote young people’s social and emotional development, helps run the UK Values Alliance, is project partner of the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice for Health and Social Care at Oxford University, and part of the steering group for the Global Alliance on Values-based Education (GAVE). He is also a delegate at Values20, the G20 engagement group.

CHARLES FOWLER chairs the Human Values Foundation, which uses positive values to promote young people’s social and emotional development, helps run the UK Values Alliance, is a steering committee member of the Global Alliance for Values-based Education, and a project partner of the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice for Health and Social Care at Oxford University. He is also a delegate at the Values20 Group which engages G20 leaders in values-based policy-making, and is the Global Coordinator of World Values Day.

Charles will be speaking at  India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here . He will be speaking at Global Citizens: Soundings from the Global Village on 17th October from 12.00 to 13.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register click here. Charles will also be speaking at Crossroads Café Intergenerational Conversation on 17th October and 24th October from 09.30 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register for the event click here.

Andy Agathangelou FRSA joined the financial sector in 1986 and has had various senior roles including being Head of Strategic Relationships at Close Brothers Asset Management.

Andy is a serial community builder, and activist campaigner, focused on driving up the levels of transparency, truthfulness, and trustworthiness in the financial sector, through his roles.

ANDY AGATHANGELOU FRSA joined the financial sector in 1986 and has had various senior roles including Head of Strategic Relationships at Close Brothers Asset Management. A serial community builder and activist campaigner, he is focused on driving up the levels of transparency, truthfulness, and trustworthiness in the financial sector through his roles as Founder of Transparency Task Force, The International League of Ethical Financial Services Leaders, The March for Justice, The Woodford Campaign Group and the RSA’s Financial Services Network; Chair of Secretariat Committee APPG on Investment Fraud and Fairer Financial Services and of Violation Tracker UK Advisory Board; and Governor of The Pensions Policy Institute.

Andy will be speaking at How Financial Services Firms Can Harness More Value in Values – And Why They Must! On 17th October from 18.00 to 19.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here; to register click here.

SIMON GIBSON is the Founder of World Speech Day. Simon is an experienced script writer and speech writer, as well as a published novelist. World Speech Day was launched at the Athens Democracy Forum in 2015 as an annual celebration of freedom of speech which happens on March 15 each year. Public speaking events are held in over 100 countries, and people from all walks of life are encouraged to voice their opinions in front of an audience. Currently some 100 nations celebrate World Speech Day.

SIMON GIBSON is the Founder of World Speech Day. Simon is an experienced script writer and speech writer, as well as a published novelist. World Speech Day was launched at the Athens Democracy Forum in 2015 as an annual celebration of freedom of speech which happens on March 15 each year. Public speaking events are held in over 100 countries, and people from all walks of life are encouraged to voice their opinions in front of an audience. Currently some 100 nations celebrate World Speech Day.

Simon will be speaking at Global Citizens: Soundings from the Global Village on 17th October from 12.00 to 13.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register click here

Paul Gilbert, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby. He was Consultant Clinical Psychologist at NHS for over 40 years. He is the founder of Compassion focused Therapy and Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has written/edited 23 books and over 300 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement: To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion ( He was awarded an OBE by the Queen in March 2011 for services to mental health. He established and is the Director of the Centre for Compassion Research and Training at Derby University UK.

Paul Gilbert, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of Derby. He was Consultant Clinical Psychologist at NHS for over 40 years and founder of Compassion focused Therapy and Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has written/edited 23 books and over 300 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement: To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion ( He was awarded an OBE by the Queen in March 2011 for services to mental health. He established and is the Director of the Centre for Compassion Research and Training at Derby University UK.

Paul will be speaking at How do we get the leaders we want? on 16th October from 16.30 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1 ) – for more information click here, to register click here

Eben Greene: Eben believes that authentic connection and soul expression are pathways to wholeness and transcendence. As the vision keeper for ShiftUp and the creator of the ValYou symbols, Eben brings a depth of experience to accelerate purposeful growth for individuals and businesses. His top two core ValYous are Courage and Soulove. His "Be You More" mission is all about supporting people to heal, grow and empower themselves.

EBEN GREENE believes that authentic connection and soul expression are pathways to wholeness and transcendence. As the vision keeper for ShiftUp and the creator of the ValYou symbols, Eben brings a depth of experience to accelerate purposeful growth for individuals and businesses. His top two core ValYous are Courage and Soulove. His “Be You More” mission is all about supporting people to heal, grow and empower themselves.

Eben will be speaking at Activate Your Values Experience on 17th October from 21.00 to 22.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Corinne Guion is a Sophrologist and Wellbeing & Resilience Coach. She works with individuals to help them deal optimally with challenges; empowering them to be the best that they can be. Corinne also champions wellbeing in the workplace, has a private practice in London and East Sussex and also works online. She is Member of the College of Medicine, the Complementary Medical Association and Certified Member of the International Sophrology Federation.
Find out more about Corinne at Find out more about Corinne at

CORINNE GUION is a Sophrologist and Wellbeing & Resilience Coach. She works with individuals to help them deal optimally with challenges; empowering them to be the best that they can be. Corinne also champions wellbeing in the workplace, has a private practice in London and East Sussex and also works online. She is Member of the College of Medicine, the Complementary Medical Association and Certified Member of the International Sophrology Federation. Find out more about Corinne at

Corinne will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 11.00 to 11.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Dr Neil Hawkes A well known worldwide as a speaker, educator, broadcaster, author and social commentator. He was co-founder of LivingValues Education, founder of International Values based Trust and its educational arm Values-based Education (VbE), and a co-founder of Global Alliance for Values-based Education. He is one of the UNITAR experts on ethical leadership and is part of the Values20 task group advising the G20 leaders. He has written several books including “From My Heart, transforming lives through values”.

DR NEIL HAWKES is well known worldwide as a speaker, educator, broadcaster, author and social commentator. He was co-founder of LivingValues Education, founder of International Values based Trust and its educational arm Values-based Education (VbE), and a co-founder of Global Alliance for Values-based Education. He is one of the UNITAR experts on ethical leadership and is part of the Values20 task group advising the G20 leaders. He has written several books including “From My Heart, transforming lives through values”.

Neil will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life  on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Rachel Rubio

RAQUEL RUBIO HIGUERAS is a learning and behavior change expert with experience in organisations globally. She is the founder of Art2BeHuman, a movement that aims to empower human beings to live more consciously through fostering more connection, creativity and choice. Raquel become a sophrologist, after experiencing first-hand the benefits and transformational power of this beautiful practice. She uses sophrology to empower others to take personal responsibility in creating the conditions to thrive. She is also a Director on the board of the International Sophrology Federation.

Raquel will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 17.00 to 17.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

MaryBeth Hyland Is a bestselling author, coach and consultant on how to set guilt-free values-driven boundaries at work, home and within.

As a certified mediator, mindfulness instructor, and values expert she’s a published thought leader in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times, to name a few. 

When she’s not on stage, she can be found on horseback in the mountains of Idaho wrangling cattle in her quest to become a cowgirl!

MARYBETH HYLAND is a bestselling author, coach and consultant on how to set guilt-free values-driven boundaries at work, home and within. As a certified mediator, mindfulness instructor, and values expert she’s a published thought leader in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times, to name a few. When she’s not on stage, she can be found on horseback in the mountains of Idaho wrangling cattle in her quest to become a cowgirl!

Marybeth will be facilitating Values-Driven Boundaries: How to Confidently Say Yes to What Lights You Up and No to What Burns You Out on 17th October from 17.30 BST to 18.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 12.30 pm to 1.45pm Eastern Time in the USA. For more information on the event click here, to register for the event click here.

PJ Jackson is the Founder of Positive Knowledge, LLC. and personal growth coach at Fourth Level Coaching. Melding an engineer’s intellect and an awakened heart, PJ combines a professional background as an Applied Scientist, engineer, and organizational transformation expert to help individuals’ breakthrough and level up to new heights in personal development. PJ is leveraging over 30 years of experience in making a positive impact on LinkedIn with over 70K followers.

PJ JACKSON is the Founder of Positive Knowledge, LLC. and personal growth coach at Fourth Level Coaching. Melding an engineer’s intellect and an awakened heart, PJ combines a professional background as an Applied Scientist, engineer, and organizational transformation expert to help individuals’ breakthrough and level up to new heights in personal development. PJ is leveraging over 30 years of experience in making a positive impact on LinkedIn with over 70K followers.

PJ will be facilitating two Values Clarity Quiz & Global Conversations on 17th October from 14.00 to 15.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 10 am to 11 am Eastern Time in the US, and from 19.00 to 20.00 BST (UCT/GMT+1) which is 2pm to 3pm Eastern Time in the US – and then and she will be facilitating this event a third time a few hours later from midnight 17th October to 01.00 early in the morning of 18th October BST (please note that if you are in the US this is from 7pm to 8pm Eastern Time on October 17th). For more information click here, and to register for any or all of the events click here.

Jyoti Kalash For 36 years served in senior positions in various parts of the Indian Government in both domestic ministries and as a diplomat overseas. He is a writer, artist and singer, and has won several prestigious awards. He has also represented India twice in the ASEAN-INDIA Car Rally which covers 9,000 kms through SE Asia.

JYOTI KALASH for 36 years served in senior positions in various parts of the Indian Government in both domestic ministries and as a diplomat overseas. He is a writer, artist and singer, and has won several prestigious awards. He has also represented India twice in the ASEAN-INDIA Car Rally which covers 9,000 kms through SE Asia.

Jyoti will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life  on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Minal Kering has over 18 years of experience in corporate leadership roles, and is also a certified practicing Therapist and Counselor in Psychology. As well as counsel and therapy for adults she mentors teens and young adults and is passionate about helping children and young adults of today grow and thrive as happy adults with a sense of purpose. She is Country Ambassador for India for World Values Day and has worked with several NGO’s such as Akanksha Foundation, iTeach schools, and Panaah. She was lead author for a Chapter in the Values20 communique to the G20 in 2023.

MINAL KERING has over 18 years of experience in corporate leadership roles, and a certified practicing Therapist and Counselor in Psychology. As well as counsel and therapy for adults she mentors teens and young adults and is passionate about helping children and young adults of today grow and thrive as happy adults with a sense of purpose. She is Country Ambassador for India for World Values Day and has worked with several NGO’s such as Akanksha Foundation, iTeach schools, and Panaah. She was lead author for a Chapter in the Values20 communique to the G20 in 2023.

Minal will be speaking at Crossroads Café Intergenerational Conversation on 17th October and 24th October from 09.30 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register for the event click here.

Mojdeh Khalili

Mojdeh Khalili is an executive, mother, CPA/MBA, who has lived in many cultures and countries. A community builder; Mojdeh gained credibility and recognition for innovative, award -winning school projects. She offers deep expertise of co-dependence and recovery patterns, together with Otto Scharmer’s Theory U. 
Mojdeh’s key gift is to listen to the tempo and tune of “the music and joy within you” and ensure that this music is heard and  lived to its full potential.

MOJDEH KHALILI  is an executive, a mother, CPA/MBA, and a woman who has lived in many countries and experienced many cultures. With her rich background in family business, Mojdeh embraced coaching as a practice to align first herself with her values, her community, and then function as a container to extend support to leaders.

Mojdeh will be speaking at The Value of Belonging on 17th October from 19.30 to 21.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here

Rekha Kohli is Executive Leader within Perry Hall Multi-Academy Trust of 10 schools which serve some of the most deprived areas of the West Midlands. She is a very dynamic and positive person who has helped to create a culture of respect and happiness in the schools for which she is responsible. In July 2024 she was awarded the Pearson’s Bronze National Head Teacher of the Year award  reflecting her journey and achievements within the Education Sector.

REKHA KOHLI is Executive Leader within Perry Hall Multi-Academy Trust of 10 schools which serve some of the most deprived areas of the West Midlands. She is a very dynamic and positive person who has helped to create a culture of respect and happiness in the schools for which she is responsible. In July 2024 she was awarded the Pearson’s Bronze National Head Teacher of the Year award  reflecting her journey and achievements within the Education Sector.

Rekha is speaking at Creating Happiness at Work on 17th October from 19.00 to 20.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information on the event click here, to watch the event livestreamed click here

Hank Kune
Hank launched Educore 30 years ago to support projects and people in user-centered innovation processes. Working from the Netherl ands, he takes part in innovation projects throughout the world. These projects often involve the collaboration of ecosystems of multi-party stakeholders. The integration of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit characterizes this work which often aims  at addressing societal innovation and supporting sustainable futures. Societal innovation requires thoughtful, dedicated collaboration across sectors, cultures, generations, and borders of all kinds, aspiring to discover what is needed to make ‘the impossible’ possible – and then do it.

HANK KUNE launched Educore 30 years ago to support projects and people in user-centered innovation processes. Working from the Netherlands, he takes part in innovation projects throughout the world. These projects often involve the collaboration of ecosystems of multi-party stakeholders. The integration of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit characterizes this work which often aims at addressing societal innovation and supporting sustainable futures. Societal innovation requires thoughtful, dedicated collaboration across sectors, cultures, generations, and borders of all kinds, aspiring to discover what is needed to make ‘the impossible’ possible – and then do it.

Hank will be speaking at Crossroads Café Intergenerational Conversation on 17th October and 24th October from 09.30 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register for the event click here.

Dr. Isabelle Leboeuf is a clinical psychologist. She works in a private practice, integrating Ericksonian hypnosis, CBT and CFT. Her doctoral thesis focused on compassion and positive social emotions. Her research bridges the gap between experimental research and clinical practice. She has published scientific papers on CFT and CMT and validated the French translation of a self-criticism scale. She runs CFT training in France and Poland, and is the author of a self-help book on relationships with self and others. She is currently Director of Communication for the French Association of CBT (AFTCC). Website

DR ISABELLE LEBOEUF is a clinical psychologist. She works in a private practice, integrating Ericksonian hypnosis, CBT and CFT. Her doctoral thesis focused on compassion and positive social emotions. Her research bridges the gap between experimental research and clinical practice. She has published scientific papers on CFT and CMT and validated the French translation of a self-criticism scale. She runs CFT training in France and Poland, and is the author of a self-help book on relationships with self and others. She is currently Director of Communication for the French Association of CBT (AFTCC). Website

Isabelle will be speaking at How do we get the leaders we want? on 16th October from 16.30 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1 ) – for more information click here, to register click here


DANNY MAHER arrived in London in 1975 and since then has worked in the mental health/social care arena. Danny is currently the CEO of Ashford Place charity in Cricklewood having started in 1996. He is also a member of the Brent Multifaith Forum. Danny is a very caring and committed person who is able to bring out the best in others and create an environment in which workers, volunteers and service users feel respected, appreciated and happy.

Danny is speaking at Creating Happiness at Work on 17th October from 19.00 to 20.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information on the event click here, to watch the event livestreamed click here

Ed Mayo Is an entrepreneurial chief executive in the social economy and voluntary sector He is currently CEO at Pilotlight, which brings together people from the worlds of business and civil society for skills exchange, and is former Secretary General of Co-operatives UK. He was one of the team who started the Fairtrade Mark; was Chair of the Jubilee 2000 campaign which ultimately led to cancellation of over $100 billion of debt owed by poor countries, and led the work of the New Economics Foundation.

ED MAYO is an entrepreneurial chief executive in the social economy and voluntary sector He is currently CEO at Pilotlight, which brings together people from the worlds of business and civil society for skills exchange, and is former Secretary General of Co-operatives UK. He was also one of the team who started the Fairtrade Mark, chaired the Jubilee 2000 campaign which ultimately led to cancellation of over $100 billion of debt owed by poor countries, and led the work of the New Economics Foundation.

Ed will be speaking at The Democratisation of Public Life, a Blessing or  Curse? On 16th October from 18.00 to 19.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Dr Ann Marie MealeyHas had a 20 year career in education as a lecturer, researcher and a senior leader in the public and private HE sectors. She is the author of books, articles, blogs on ethics, moral theology and learning and teaching and the producer of a well-known podcast that centred around the motto ‘education for hope.’ Ann Marie sits on multiple boards for schools, charities and other organisations that wish to deepen their understanding of educational standards, ethics, faith, mission and values in the contemporary world.

DR ANN MARIE MEALEY has had a 20 year career in education as a lecturer, researcher and a senior leader in the public and private HE sectors. She is the author of books, articles, blogs on ethics, moral theology and learning and teaching and the producer of a well-known podcast that centred around the motto ‘education for hope.’ Ann Marie sits on multiple boards for schools, charities and other organisations that wish to deepen their understanding of educational standards, ethics, faith, mission and values in the contemporary world.

Ann Marie will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life  on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Susan LePlae Miller: Susan is a women’s health ‘change agent’, consultant, speaker, author and poet who developed the mantra “Know your value, live your values” as a way to inspire authenticity and impact with individuals and teams. With 30 years experience in Operations (Partnerships, Product, and Supply Chain Management), Susan understands the inner workings of business and how teamwork and collaboration fuels results. 

As Founder of Pieces of I, Susan helps purpose-driven leaders embrace change and move to emboldened action. She has created a dynamic partnership ecosystem and the SHAPE framework to deliver programs that inspire wellness and wellbeing.

SUSAN LEPLAE MILLER is a women’s health ‘change agent’, consultant, speaker, author and poet who developed the mantra “Know your value, live your values” as a way to inspire authenticity and impact with individuals and teams. With 30 years experience in Operations (Partnerships, Product, and Supply Chain Management), Susan understands the inner workings of business and how teamwork and collaboration fuels results. As Founder of Pieces of I, Susan helps purpose-driven leaders embrace change and move to emboldened action. She has created a dynamic partnership ecosystem and the SHAPE framework to deliver programs that inspire wellness and wellbeing.

Susan will be speaking at Activate Your Values Experience on 17th October from 21.00 to 22.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Liz Murphy

LIZ MURPHY is a former steering group member of the UK Values Alliance’ She now focuses on growing the use of a mind-body approach to increasing wellbeing. Sophrology—”the study of consciousness in harmony” is a mind-body practice which emphasises the development of personal values. Liz leads the Sophrology Academy, providing accredited training courses and wellbeing programmes, and co-leads the Out In The Field retreats initiative for frontline workers. Liz also serves as President of the International Sophrology Federation.

Liz will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 08.00 to 08.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Tanyaradzwa Spiwe Ndudzo is a student at the University of Johannesburg, pursuing a Master's in Social Policy and Development. She serves as the CEO of Rob Youth Foundation International and Executive Director of Rob Youth Foundation South Africa, an NGO with the aim of empowering youth across Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and Kenya. With a BA in Humanities and an Honors degree in Development Studies, Tanyaradzwa is deeply involved in leadership and mentorship, contributing to university programs including Student Mentorship.

TANYARADZWA SPIWE NDUDZO is a student at the University of Johannesburg, pursuing a Master’s in Social Policy and Development. She serves as the CEO of Rob Youth Foundation International and Executive Director of Rob Youth Foundation South Africa, an NGO with the aim of empowering youth across Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and Kenya. With a BA in Humanities and an Honors degree in Development Studies, Tanyaradzwa is deeply involved in leadership and mentorship, contributing to university programs including Student Mentorship.

Tanyaradzwa will be speaking at The True Value of Peace on 19th October from 10.00 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1).  For more information on the event click here, to register click here

Florence Parot works with stress, sleep and burnout management. She lectures in many Sophrology schools around Europe and writes books & articles on applied Sophrology. Florence runs a retreat centre dedicated to burnout prevention and management in the heart of the French countryside. She has now also started her own school in France training people to become professional sophrology practitioners

FLORENCE PAROT works with stress, sleep and burnout management. She lectures in many Sophrology schools around Europe and writes books & articles on applied Sophrology. Florence runs a retreat centre dedicated to burnout prevention and management in the heart of the French countryside – find out more at

Florence will be speaking at Mind Body Practice Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 14.00 to 14.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – the session will be conducted in French. For more information click here, to register click here.

Sarah Pengelly
Sarah taught in London Primary schools for 12-years specialising in Literacy and PSHE, has an MA Educational Psychotherapy and previously worked at the BBC. For the past 4-years, she has been working with non-profit charity, Human Values Foundation, to develop a new values-led PSHE programme called The Big Think, which has become a vital part of the curriculum in a fast-growing number of schools.

SARAH PENGELLY is Curriculum Developer for The BIG Think at the Human Values Foundation. She spent 12-years teaching in inner London Primary schools specialising in Literacy and Personal, Social Health Education.  She is keen to address education inequality through supporting both practitioners and their pupils to bring to life human values and social and emotional learning skills in order to rehearse real life challenges so they can thrive for life.

Sarah will be speaking at Bringing Values to Life in Early Years on 17th October from 10.00 to 11.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Anne Pestiaux is the founder of The Holistic ADHD Woman, a mind-body coaching practice that specialises in supporting fellow ADHDers to thrive with their brain difference. Combining her knowledge and experience of various mind-body disciplines, Anne offers a holistic approach to symptom management and self-acceptance, namely of late-diagnosed adults, enabling them to recognise, accept and embrace their uniqueness.

ANNE PESTIAUX is the founder of The Holistic ADHD Woman, a mind-body coaching practice that specialises in supporting fellow ADHDers to thrive with their brain difference. Combining her knowledge and experience of various mind-body disciplines, Anne offers a holistic approach to symptom management and self-acceptance, namely of late-diagnosed adults, enabling them to recognise, accept and embrace their uniqueness.

Anne will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 20.00 to 20.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here; to join the session please click on this link.

Rupkatha Sarkar Is the Principal of La Martiniere School for Girls in Kolkata, an internationally renowned school which has been recognised as one of the “Best Girls Schools” in India. She serves in an advisory capacity for several school and college boards, and has been recognised by the British Council for her work incorporating an international dimension in her school curriculum and mentoring other schools in the network.

RUPKATHA SARKAR is the Principal of La Martiniere School for Girls in Kolkata, an internationally renowned school which has been recognised as one of the “Best Girls Schools” in India. She serves in an advisory capacity for several school and college boards, and has been recognised by the British Council for her work incorporating an international dimension in her school curriculum and mentoring other schools in the network.

Rupkatha will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life  on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Ceciliah Swanepoel comes from a family deeply rooted in education, with a lineage of teachers ranging from pre-primary to university level. She has raised four children, all of whom have pursued careers in teaching. With a background in Minimal Brain Dysfunction and a focus on diagnostics, Ceciliah’s passion for education extends beyond academics. She has been involved with HWPL Peace Education since its beginning in 2014, and volunteeromg in schools across the SADC region  as a qualified HWPL Peace Education teacher.

CECILIAH SWANEPOEL comes from a family deeply rooted in education, with a lineage of teachers ranging from pre-primary to university level. She has raised four children, all of whom have pursued careers in teaching. With a background in Minimal Brain Dysfunction and a focus on diagnostics, Ceciliah’s passion for education extends beyond academics. She has been involved with HWPL Peace Education since its beginning in 2014, and volunteering in schools across the SADC region  as a qualified HWPL Peace Education teacher.

Ceciliah will be speaking at The True Value of Peace on 19th October from 10.00 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information on the event click here, to register click here

Dr Rahul Varma is a multifaceted Corporate Executive and Philanthropist with a distinguished career in diverse roles spanning over 35 years. A leader whether Corporate or Charity with a strong vision and dedication to his commitments. He has held Strategic Senior Positions with Large Companies in India as Director and President. He is associated with various Chambers of Commerce and has been instrumental in launching a nationwide initiative for promoting Spirituality @ Work (Sach Bharat- Sach Visva) as the chairman of the committee (ASSOCHAM).

DR RAHUL VARMA is a multifaceted Corporate Executive & Philanthropist with a distinguished career in diverse roles spanning nearly 40 years. A leader whether Corporate or Charity with a strong vision and dedication to his commitments. He has held Strategic Senior Positions with Large Companies in India as Director, CEO and President. Currently heading Several Social Impact Initiatives and Foundations and has been awarded National & International awards for service to Humanity.

Dr Varma will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Ram Karan Verma has 40 years’ experience with the Indian Government, the United Nations,  World Trade Organisation. and World Bank. He is Chief Mentor, Techno India Group and an experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Management, Organizational Development, Public Speaking, Teaching, and Analytical Skills. He graduated from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, MBA.

RAM KARAN VERMA has 40 years’ experience with the Indian Government, the United Nations,  World Trade Organisation and World Bank. He is Chief Mentor, Techno India Group and an experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Management, Organizational Development, Public Speaking, Teaching, and Analytical Skills. He graduated from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, MBA.

Ram Karan Verma will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Bringing Values to Life  on 17th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.00 BST which is 17.30 IST. For more information click here [add link to relevant WVD event page once it is posted], and to join the event on Zoom click here .

Peter Waiswa is an accountant from Kamuli in eastern Uganda and the founder and convenor of GCC’s Uganda Compassion Connectors.

PETER WAISWA is an accountant from Kamuli in eastern Uganda and the founder and convenor of GCC’s Uganda Compassion Connectors.

Peter will be speaking at How do we get the leaders we want? on 16th October from 16.30 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1 ) – for more information click here, to register click here

Alan Williams

ALAN WILLIAMS is Founder & MD, SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL which helps leaders of purpose-led organisations, internationally and in the UK, to deliver sustained business performance and a service excellence culture through values-driven organizational alignment. He is a published author and international speaker whose projects have delivered measurable business impact across a balanced scorecard of measures and been recognised with industry awards.

Alan will be speaking at Bringing Values To Life For Young People on 17th October from 12.00 to 13.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here; at Bringing Kindness To Life: online session from the World Kindness Movement General on 17th October from 14.00 to 15.00 BST – for more information click here , to register click here.

Ipek Williamson

Ipek Williamson is a Change Champion, Transformation Coach, Speaker, Author, Meditation Advocate & Teacher. She perfectly blends her 20+ years of corporate experience with diversified areas of expertise as a coach, mentor, and teacher. Ipek works with overwhelmed professionals in creating a sense of peace and flow in their lives. Through her coaching style, inspired and empowered by core values, mental fitness, and mind mastery, Ipek helps her clients discover their true potential. She guides them through the changes they face and helps them create the change they want to see in their lives. In addition to 70+ highly acclaimed meditations she showcases through the Insight Timer App, Ipek leads live meditation sessions through that same application. She also offers group coaching, workshops, courses, and training to individuals, teams, and corporations

IPEK WILLIAMSON is a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach and a Certified Insight Coach, specializing in guiding overwhelmed individuals. Ipek Williamson empowers them to find peace and harmony amidst modern complexities. Drawing from Core Values, Mental Fitness, and Mind Mastery, she helps clients unlock their potential, navigate change confidently, and embrace transformation joyfully. Ipek’s impact goes beyond coaching, through her more than 100 acclaimed meditations and countless live sessions on the Insight Timer Wellness app.

Ipek will be speaking at Activate Your Values Experience on 17th October from 21.00 to 22.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Audrey Zannese

AUDREY ZANNESE is Director of Education at the Sophrology Academy and runs her own Sophrology practice where she specialises in helping people who are highly stressed or in burnout, and people living with a chronic conditions. Audrey believes it’s totally possible to live with a chronic illness, chronic pain or fatigue and be happy and enjoy life to the full. With a little practice, small and easy steps every day, big transformation can occur. 

Audrey  will be speaking at Mind-body practice: Embodying Our Values in Daily Life on 17th October from 13.00 to 13.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Dr Paquita de Zulueta

DR PAQUITA DE ZULUETA worked for 38 years as a GP and has a special interest in mental health, migrant health, compassionate leadership in healthcare, clinical ethics and professional wellbeing and development. She is honorary senior clinical lecturer at Imperial College London, member of the Royal Society of General Practitioners ethics committee and trustee of Institute of Medical Ethics. She is also a CBT therapist, qualified coach and mentor, and was selected for Point of Care Foundation Shining Star Award. She has written articles and book chapters on clinical ethics and compassion in healthcare and is Chair of the Human Values in Healthcare Forum.

Paquita will be speaking at Generosity – A Key Value in Healthcare. How do we bring it to life? on 17th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here; to register click here.